Palestine: Stuffed Grape Leaves

Do you like savory appetizers? Have you ever tried stuffed grape leaves? Do you want to try something new and delicious? Well, you have come to the right place [and just in time] <Disclaimer, the following recipe was generated through ChatGPT> Any comments [and commentary] and remarks are the blogger's own. Images are through CanvaPro. 

Today, I am sharing a recipe for Palestinian Appetizer: Stuffed Grape Leaves.

Palestinian Stuffed Grape Leaves: ChatGPT explains what Stuffed Grape Leaves is: "Stuffed grape leaves are bite-sized parcels made by wrapping rice, herbs, and sometimes meat or vegetables in grape leaves, typically served as an appetizer or side dish."

Stuffed Grape Leaves


1 jar (16 oz) grape leaves in brine, drained and rinsed 

1 cup white rice, rinsed and drained 

1/2 cup chopped parsley 

1/2 cup chopped mint 

1/2 cup chopped scallions 

1/2 cup chopped tomatoes 

1/4 cup olive oil 

1/4 cup lemon juice 

1 tsp salt 

1/2 tsp black pepper 

1 1/2 cups water 


1 In a large bowl, mix together the rice, parsley, mint, scallions, and tomatoes. Add the olive oil, lemon juice, salt, and pepper, and mix until well combined. 

2 Take a grape leaf and place it shiny side down on a work surface. Add a spoonful of the rice mixture to the center of the leaf. Fold the sides of the leaf over the filling, then roll it up from the bottom to the top to create a tight cylinder. Repeat with the remaining grape leaves and filling. 

3 Place the stuffed grape leaves in a pot, seam side down, and add enough water to cover them. Bring the water to a boil, then reduce the heat and simmer for 30-40 minutes, or until the rice is cooked and the grape leaves are tender. 

4 Serve hot or cold.

5 Enjoy!

Catch you on another episode of Cook with Milko.
Note: I will update the blog website once I stop using ChatGPT as a source. From that point on, all recipes will be original. For now, I do not have enough experience to share my own recipes! And for now, ChatGPT will do.
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